General Background

I am a student from Qingdao, China. I want to be a media operations manager in the future.Known for excellent word editing skills, I had been an Associate Editor in my university for two years, during which 8 editions of magazines was published. Additionally, I run a public channel on Sina Weibo and the number of fans was increased from 0 to 1000. As a native of China, I received comprehensive bilingual education. Currently, I am studying at Northeastern University with major in Digital Media and am fluently writing in both English and Chinese.


Hobbies & Interests:

Skills & Languages

  • Mandarin: Mandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A Level
  • English: IELTS 7.5
  • Activities

  • Vice Director of the News Department, Student Union of School of Humanities and Social Sciences (January, 2014 - June, 2015)
  • Associate Editor, CJLU Qian Jiang Chao Magazine (September, 2014 - June, 2015)
  • Secretary of Instrument Section, Art Troupe of School of Humanities and Social Sciences (September, 2014 - June, 2015)